Fever Infectious

A febrile illness is a disease characterized by an increase in body temperature to +40 degrees or higher for a long time (more than 5-7 days). There are several types of infectious fevers: atypical and typical forms of infectious febrile diseases. The atypical form is characterized by weakness, mild headache, nausea and vomiting. The typical form is manifested by more pronounced symptoms: high body temperature (+40°C), muscle and joint pain, chills, redness of the skin. The main symptom of infectious fever is general intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the disruption of work

Fevers are a form of influenza and are contagious to others. They are caused by respiratory viruses. Their incubation period is 3-4 days. The source of infection is a person with a fever. The route of transmission of the virus is airborne; the route of human infection is unknown. The carrier of the pathogen releases the virus within 7-14 days after the onset of the disease. The main mechanism of infection transmission is aerogenic. The virus is contained in saliva, mucus of the upper respiratory tract, and sputum. From the moment viruses enter the respiratory tract until a new person is infected, 20-30 minutes pass.

The virus can spread through the air with saliva 5 - 7 m. Most often, healthy people with weak or moderate immunity, who have not been vaccinated or who have had their first vaccination, become ill.

The causative agent of influenza infects the body of a person who is infected with the virus, but the disease with influenza depends on many factors: if the body is strong (based on genetic mechanisms), then it is able to develop immunity to this virus, and in the future such patients will again face death. This happens to many people who carry various viruses. This is why there are vaccines that allow the body to develop specific immunity that allows it to effectively respond to this virus, even if a person does not yet have immune memory for this particular virus. This allows us to reduce the number of people who, due to severe weakness of the body, experience complications after suffering from the flu (pneumonia, pneumoencephalitis, encephalitis, and so on). The vaccine stimulates the production of protective antibodies, so the infected person feels much better than before the vaccination.