Fever Joint

Joint fever is a disease that is accompanied by acute pain in the joints, fever and other symptoms. It occurs more often in children, less often in adults, but cases in older people are also possible. First of all, you should consult a doctor, since this disease requires the help of a specialist.

This disease has several forms: acute, chronic, recurrent or subacute. The acute form of the disease is manifested by fever, severe joint pain for several days, accompanied by fatigue and nausea. Severe diarrhea and painful urination often affect a person. Joint changes are smoothed out, sometimes the presence of hemarthrosis is observed - accumulation of blood inside the joint. The disease often begins after complete recovery from ARVI. The chronic form manifests itself with minor symptoms and is accompanied by rheumatoid weight loss. The pain is localized in the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle joints. The subacute form is distinguished by the appearance of the same symptoms as the chronic form. In addition, joint stiffness and enlargement may occur. The relapsing form resembles the acute form, but symptoms appear only occasionally. When treating, the type of disease must be taken into account. Also, as a result of treatment, the patient may be hospitalized in a hospital or called to continue rehabilitation in the hospital. Treatment includes the use of medications, gymnastics, and physical therapy.