
A fiberscope is a medical device that is used to examine internal organs and human tissues. It consists of a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into the body through the mouth or rectum. At the end of the tube is a lens that allows the doctor to see the internal organs.

Fibroscopy is a diagnostic method based on the use of a fiberscope. It allows the doctor to see the condition of internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, liver and others. Fibroscopy can also be used to remove polyps and other growths.

One of the advantages of fiberoscopy is its safety for the patient. The fiberscope tube is thin and flexible, which allows it to pass through narrow spaces in the body without damaging tissue. In addition, fiberoscopy does not require anesthesia, making it more accessible to patients.

However, fiberoscopy also has disadvantages. For example, it may cause discomfort to the patient due to the insertion of a tube into the mouth or rectum. In addition, some patients may experience fear before the procedure.

In general, fiberoscopy is an effective method for diagnosing and treating various diseases. However, like any medical procedure, it should only be performed by a qualified physician.

Fiberscope: essence, principle of operation

A fiberscope (from the Latin fiber - fiber) is a device that visually examines and examines various hard-to-reach areas of the patient’s body and internal organs. At the same time, the fiberscopic instrument completely eliminates the penetration of lateral infection into the patient’s tissue and limits other negative consequences of medical intervention in the general blood flow. Modern medicine is a multifaceted area of ​​development and involves the active use of special technical equipment. The presence of high-quality devices guarantees more effective treatment of almost any disease and reduces the risk of complications during the examination.


Instruments for studying the body for various pathologies of organs and tissues have been used by humanity for a long time. The development of a device capable of penetrating hard-to-reach places and providing complete information about the condition of organs can be called a turning point for medicine. The invention of such a device became possible thanks to the development of optics and the advent of halogen light sources. Such studies are complete and only complement the results of examination in the mirror, maintaining high accuracy due to the patency of the fiber light guide through a narrow channel. The most important components of a fiberscope: material of manufacture and quality of optics. Thanks to corneal microscopy, it is possible to obtain reliable information when examining surfaces that are not normally visible. In modern times, special optics are used - lens, aspherical, slit. For more productive work, it is equipped with built-in endoscopes and X-ray tubes. Modern