
Fibrinolysins History of discovery In the middle of the 20th century, scientists were interested in ways to stop blood from arterial embolisms, which led to thrombosis of cerebral vessels and caused dangerous complications. One of the first means to treat them was to use fibrin clots - blood components that promote coagulation and blood clot formation. Somewhat later, biotechnologists began to use plasma factors that accelerate the formation of blood clots to treat a number of vascular and cardiac pathologies. The founder of this direction was the Austrian doctor Hermann Fibrolysis, who was the author of the method of using fibryolase for the artificial formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

The first drug based on a fibrin human clot was fibrinogen, which was later given the official name - fibrin. For its active use in medicine and its commitment to solving blood clot problems, fibrin thrombus has received many awards and honors. For example, it was considered the best remedy for certain diseases, and fibrin itself enjoyed the fame of a certain “blood clot man.”

Despite the growing popularity of protein medicine, doctors did not stop there and continued to actively work with blood serum proteins. The result of these studies was the development of protein reagents