
Fibroids are a tumor that develops from muscle and connective tissue. It can occur in various organs, including the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands and others.

Fibroids usually do not cause symptoms, but can lead to various complications such as bleeding, pain and menstrual irregularities. If fibroids grow quickly or cause severe symptoms, surgery may be necessary.

There are several treatments for fibroids, including hormone therapy, surgical removal, and laser therapy. The choice of treatment depends on many factors, including the size of the tumor, its location, and the presence of other diseases.

Overall, fibroids are a common condition that can be successfully treated with the right treatment approach. It is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment to avoid possible complications.

The disease uterine fibroids is a pathology of the muscular layer of the organ. Fibrovascular tumor substance forms a node or several nodules of various sizes; occurs mainly in women of reproductive age. The pathology is characterized by a long course without pronounced symptoms, but it is often discovered by chance during a routine examination in a chair. Conservative treatment in the presence of nodes during menopause may be ineffective. Therefore, in the initial stages, surgical removal of fibroids up to 7 cm in size is recommended.

*Fibromia (fibromyoma; lat. fibra fiber + myoma myoma) is a female tumor-like hormonally caused benign hyperplasia of the uterus. **Fibrioma** is also known as *fibromyoma, uterine fibromatosis* and* myofibrocellular sclerosis*. Fibs most often affect women, mainly after 40 years.*


*A tumor of the fibrous tissue of the uterus from the smooth muscle layer, which is manifested by excessive growth of connective tissue throughout the organ. Manifestations of the disease may include heavy menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, difficulty urinating, constipation*

Fibroids develop in about one third of women and usually begin to grow between the ages of 35 and 50. They can vary greatly in size. The formation of large nodes can lead to complications associated with compression of internal organs. Fibrosarcoma (fibroadenoma) differs in its histological structure and may be similar to a tumor with malignant formations.

**Treatment** __In the case of fibroids with a single manifestation of small size, distant location and the absence of urinary tract obstruction, the patient is carefully observed without any specific treatment.~~ *Such treatment is the most optimal, since fibroids