
Eyestrain is a feeling of fatigue that occurs when the eyes are strained during prolonged performance of any work in people with refractive errors or impaired coordination of the function of the muscles of the eyeball.

With eye strain, a person usually experiences pain or burning in the eyes, accompanied by a headache and sometimes a general feeling of fatigue. The medical name for this condition is asthenopia.

The causes of eye strain can be very different:

  1. Refractive errors - myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. In this case, the image is poorly focused on the retina, which forces the eye muscles to make additional efforts to see clearly.

  2. Convergence disorder is the inability of the eyes to focus on a close object. Often found in people who work a lot at the computer or read.

  3. Dry eyes caused by insufficient blinking. More often occurs when working for a long time at the computer, phone, reading, etc.

  4. Poor workplace lighting. The lack of light forces the eyes to strain.

  5. Exposure to harmful factors - bright light, strong glare, dust, smoke, etc.

To prevent and relieve eye strain, it is recommended to: take regular breaks from work, perform eye exercises, moisturize your eyes with artificial tears, use prescription glasses, ensure good lighting in the workplace, limit the time you work with gadgets. If severe discomfort regularly occurs, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye strain (English: Eyestrain, synonym: asthenopia) is an unpleasant but common condition for people who work at a computer, a phone screen, or are simply tired from reading. This is caused by exposing your eyes to blue light for too long. Numerous studies show that blue light in the workplace can harm

Eye strain is one of the most common diseases in the modern world. It occurs in people of any age, especially during prolonged and intense work in front of a computer or mobile phone screen. Often it can appear due to a refractive error of the eye or due to impaired coordination of the eye muscles. If left unattended, this phenomenon can lead to serious consequences such as headaches, decreased visual acuity, and even loss of ability to work. Here is a more detailed description of this condition.

What is Eye Strain? In simple terms, Eye Strain is a feeling of fatigue that occurs when performing any activity for a long time. It usually occurs in people suffering from visual impairment or disorders of the eye muscles. Symptoms of this problem may include eye pain, burning, headaches and general fatigue. For medical professionals, this condition is known as asthenopia.