Fibrosis Radiation

Radiation fibrosis is connective tissue scars that form as a result of various injuries, radiation, and surgical interventions in the area of ​​the wrist joint. In most cases, it appears due to the traumatic nature of professional activities associated with physical work, which involves systematic lifting of weights or repeated monotonous movements of the arms, hands, and fingers. Radial nerve fibrosis typically affects the outer wrist, forearm, elbow, and upper arm, where the anatomical nerve and fibers of the lateral branch of the median nerve are located and compress it. Fibrosis can also spread to other nerve structures, such as the superficial branch of the radial and medial cutaneous nerves of the forearm. Based on symptoms, fibrosis of the radial trunk can be divided into two groups: early and late. Early symptoms include:

1. fatigue, aches; 2. numbness, coldness and decreased sensitivity in the entire palm, fingers and half on the back of the hand; 3. convulsive twitching of the thumb, index, middle finger, and sometimes the little finger; 4. limitation of range of motion. The hand lowers at an angle.

Late symptoms appear no earlier than two years after the onset of the disease and are more pronounced:

1- carpal mouse, which is called “Wartenberg's disease”. In this condition, a sharp disturbance in the mobility of the hand occurs, which leads to deformation of the joints, flexion and extension fingers; 2- a violation of the hairy part of the skin, which is accompanied by shortening of the nail plates, due to which their shape changes, and after a while they are completely deformed and break off at one edge. Damage to the forearms, in which the mobility of the ulnar vessels and tourniquet is impaired, numbness of both hands occurs; the fingers also experience compression, followed by cracking of the nail and bruising. The causes of fibrosis of the radial canal can be different, these include microtraumas, muscle spasms, poor nutrition, and a large load on the joints, overload. This especially affects young athletes who are forced to do monotonous, repetitive movements, who do not know how to properly distribute the load, and massage therapists. Only with active treatment can significant changes in the health status of patients with fibrosis of the radial tendon occur: with the right approach, favorable prognosis and qualified intervention, the pain syndrome disappears, mobility improves, the previous shape of the joints and smooth skin return.