Filosofova Symptom of the Cup

First we need to clarify the meaning of this term.

P.I. Filosofov is a Russian therapist who developed the thesis of the “chalice symptom,” which is that each clinic consists of two foci - nervous elements and local neurological manifestations. In his opinion, the occurrence of these signs depends on the presence of intoxication.

T.P. Pisarev is a Russian general practitioner who at one time held an opinion about the cup symptom, calling this statement the basic principle of the pathogenesis of symptoms. His theory was to explain the fact that the symptoms of different diseases at the initial stage of appearance are similar to each other

Philosopher's bowl syndrome: how to diagnose and treat

Philosopher's cup syndrome is a medical term that describes a rare and symptomatic sign of respiratory failure found in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Patients with COPD experience excessive stress on the respiratory system and require special medical care and treatment. Although philosopher's cup syndrome is rare in patients, its diagnosis is important in helping these patients. In this article we will look at the philosopher's synopsis of the cup, methods of diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome.

Chagin bowl syndrome: history of the development of the term

Pyotr Ivanovich Chagin proposed the term "philosophical cup syndrome" in his works published in 1926. He pointed out that cup syndrome occurs in patients with COPD, and its occurrence may indicate progression of the disease and increased respiratory distress. However, medical historians disagree on whether the philosopher's synonym for cup is the most common term used to describe this anomaly. It is also important to note that the use of the term philosopher's teapot is not generally accepted in modern medicine. This syndrome can be diagnosed based on the appearance of characteristic symptoms and changes in the respiratory system.

Diagnostic method for Chagin's syndrome

Doctors determine symptoms and features of the diagnosis of cup syndrome based on clinical manifestations. For the philosopher's synopsis cup, it is extremely important to have severe and regular breathing problems, which can cause coughing at night, for example, after sleep, as well as severe shortness of breath and angina attacks. Patients may also notice an increase in cough with physical activity or while lying down. In addition, Philosopher's cup symptoms may include wheezing and wheezing, a feeling of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

It is important to note that the diagnosis of philosophizing cup synonyms is typical exclusively for patients with COPD. Diseases affecting the lungs or respiratory system can also cause cup syndrome-like symptoms, but they usually develop in association with other conditions such as asthma

The psychosomatic problem of psychogenic hiccups is a rather rare clinical case; to date, 6 such cases have been officially recorded (in the scientific medical literature devoted to this disease, not a single mention of Filosofova’s symptom has been found). Hiccups can be focal (limited only to the abdominal cavity) and diffuse (i.e. when hiccups can occur at any frequency, duration and degree of intensity, it can be accompanied by additional manifestations such as vomiting, salivation); hiccups can also be periodic (it goes away on its own after some periods of time) and continuous (when an attack of hiccups

Filatova Plate Nose

Philosophy of Philosophers

Philosophy's symptom of the Plate of the Nose, discovered by him in 1894 through simulation and in-depth analytical study of fainting, is considered as a manifestation of pathological personality development. Symptom Thalesitania is a condition in which a patient's facial expression resembles a "big saucer nose" - a sign of the severity of the disease.

Following this episode, Philosophio Simpson was provided with a psychosomatic consultant and head of hospital security, as well as a psychological emergency telephone number. Additionally, the patient was connected to a surveillance camera to ensure overall patient safety.

This disease is an involuntary depression of the nervous system, it manifests itself as mental weakness of the patient in the absence of significant physical changes and belongs to the category of “simulation”. Quite rarely, even in the presence of a cup symptom, it is possible to isolate real manic manifestations of mental disorders without taking into account direct and indirect connections. However, under the guise of artistic simulation, very serious medical conditions are sometimes hidden: paranoia, attacks of rabies, and in some cases, progressive schizophrenia.