Finsen's Disease

Finsen Disease is a rare genetic disease that manifests itself in the form of damage to the cardiovascular system. This rare disease is called Fisen's disease, and it is characterized by disruption of the heart and blood vessels. The disease can have various symptoms, such as heart pain, tachycardia, weakness, dizziness and loss

Finsen's disease Finsen's disease is an infectious disease characterized by damage to the vascular endothelium and the development of an inflammatory response of the immune system. This disease was discovered in 1963 by the Danish doctor Christer Finsen.

Finsen was a native of a small town in southern Denmark, which was known for its poverty and low population epidemiology. At age 19 he began practicing medicine, and soon after moved to Copenhagen for further studies. There he became an assistant in the Department of Microbiology and worked on various research and