
Hyperextension is a type of crossbar. It is distinguished between multi-tiered and single-tiered. In this case, one of the vertical lines lies perpendicular to the floor, and the second is parallel to it. Hyperextension is sometimes called "static hanging".

By the time construction begins, the muscles on the athlete’s legs are much stronger than those on the arms and torso. They are then compared in strength. This dynamic or active state of the body creates conditions when different muscle groups are at work. This helps to bend the torso in the lumbar region.

When performing the exercise correctly, that is, in order for it to help restore the tone of the spine, you must remember the following points: * The shoulders are at the level of the pelvis and perpendicular to it; * The stomach does not protrude beyond the pelvic area; * Swinging of the body is allowed, but at a slow pace. If the athlete feels pressure on the shoulders, it means the exercise is being performed incorrectly or the weight is chosen incorrectly. In the latter case, you should reduce the weight or use a safety mechanism in the form of a horizontal bar. At first, do not strictly judge your performance of the exercise - skill and grace will come with experience. Those who exercise frequently strengthen their muscles. It is easier for them to bend the lower part of the body. For the average trainee, the process of controlling the body itself is not very complicated. He arches his upper back, straight