First aid during childbirth

First aid for sudden birth begins with the final stage of labor, including childbirth itself, and provides care for the mother and newborn immediately after birth. During this time, do not leave the woman alone unless necessary. Follow the following general rules: • propose to the husband of the woman in labor or her close
skim to be next to her. Presence
another woman usually also helps to calm the woman in labor;
take care to create favorable conditions for the woman in labor, excluding the presence of strangers;
• keep your hands and the delivery area clean.
First aid during childbirth
1. Call an ambulance immediately.
2. Help the woman get comfortable
above, of course this is a supine position with
with bent knees or on your side.
Place a pillow or folded clothing under the mother's head and shoulders.
3. Calm and encourage the woman.
4. Wash your hands.
5. Place a clean towel, blanket or any other material under the woman's buttocks.
Remove the mother's underwear and excess
clothes, but cover them with a blanket or towel.
6. Make sure that there are
someone wanted to give her a psychological
no support.
7. Never try to slow down
to give birth.
Obstetric activities
1. When the fetal head appears, support
her with one hand. Be prepared for what
part of the baby's remaining body,
it will work out quickly enough. Don't pull the baby
to myself.
2. If the membrane contains amniotic fluid
we haven't burst yet and are still closed
breaks the baby's head, carefully tear
it and remove the remaining membrane from the mouth and but
sa baby.
3. If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the head
baby, carefully loosen it and unwind it.
4. During labor, try to clean your mouth and
carried the baby from mucus and fluid that
is accumulating.
5. When the baby's feet come out completely,
carefully turn it face down
keeping your feet slightly elevated
position The newborn's body is slippery
hold it firmly, but don't squeeze it.
6. Gently wipe your mouth with a piece of cloth and
carried a baby from mucus.
7. If within 30 seconds after birth
The baby did not begin to breathe, gently
poke his back. If it is not
helps, pat your finger on the sole
wow his legs. If breathing does not stimulate
Thus, proceed to carrying out
artificial lung ventilation.
8. Prepare 3 pieces of sterile tissue (you can use a bandage) and scissors, after boiling them in water. First, tie the umbilical cord tightly at a distance of 15 cm from the baby's belly.
Make a second tight knot at a distance of 20 cm from the abdomen.
Cut the umbilical cord between the nodes (if it is not possible to call an ambulance).
Check to see if the cut is bleeding. If there is blood, bandage again immediately without removing the first bandages.
Apply a sterile dressing to the incision site and secure the umbilical cord to the infant's body with a clean bandage.
If the placenta is not completely removed, apply a sterile dressing to the incision site.