First aid for burns

Even after eliminating the cause of the burn, soft tissue continues to smolder for several hours, which leads to even greater damage. Cooling helps prevent blistering in minor burns and reduces tissue damage in more severe burns.
Do not try to judge the severity of a burn by how much pain the victim experiences, as nerve endings may be damaged as a result of the burn. In most cases, burns require a medical examination. Call an ambulance immediately if the burn:
• causes difficulty breathing;
•occupies more than one part of the body;
•occupies the head, neck, hands, feet or genitals;
• occurs in a child or an elderly person;
• caused by chemicals;
•an explosion or electric current has occurred.
First aid for first and second degree burns
Immediately cool the burn area with cold, but not ice-cold, water by immersing the damaged area in water or running a stream of water over the area. Never use ice. After cooling, cover the injured area with a clean, damp cloth to prevent infection, air, and pain relief.
Do not puncture blisters because the integrity of the skin protects against infection. If blisters burst, treat the damaged area as you would a wound: rinse with clean water, apply a sterile bandage and consult a doctor.
First aid for third degree burns
Follow basic first aid principles.
1. Call an ambulance.
2. Monitor airway patency
Khiv. Burns around the mouth and nose may fall.
call for damage to the respiratory tract
hov and lungs. If a respiratory burn is suspected
paths or lungs constantly monitor
for breathing. (when guarding the airways
may swell, causing problems
breathing in the victim.)
3. During a secondary inspection
rte, are there any additional signs specified by the decree
for burns. Consider other injuries
received by the victim, especially if
they were caused by an explosion or impact
electric current
4. Apply wet
a towel or some kind of cloth. Follow
so that this compress remains cold,
periodically watering it with cold water
doy because it will warm up or dry out quickly.
5. Third stage burns can lead to
into a state of shock. Ask to suffer
logo to lie down, provided that he does not feel
difficulty breathing. Victim of
The burn usually feels cold. Clean up
keep his body temperature constant.
If the burns are extensive, don't try oh
cover the entire damaged surface of the bucket
zu, because it can lead to general
decreased body temperature suffered
th. You can cool the burned part
surface, covering the remainder with a clean
cloth. Table 11-1 provides a summary
Opio care information
Burn care information

• Cool the burn by immersing the limb in cold water. This only applies to first and second degree burns.
• Cover the burn with a damp, clean or sterile dressing.
• Remove rings, watches and other objects from the affected person as soon as possible before swelling appears.
It is forbidden:
• Touch the burned surface with anything other than sterile or clean swabs, or use cotton wool.
and remove clothing from the burned area.
• Tear off clothing stuck to the scorched surface.
• Open burn blisters.
• Use fat, alcohol or ointment for severe burns.