
Fistulocholecystocholangiography (FCHG) is a method of x-ray examination of the bile ducts, gallbladder and bile ducts after their catheterization or the application of a fistula.

The method allows you to assess the condition of the biliary tract, identify stones, tumors, the presence of bile in the abdominal cavity, etc. It is also used to determine the patency of the biliary tract.

To perform fistulography, special catheters are used, which are inserted into the bile ducts and allow an X-ray image of the bile ducts to be obtained. A fistula is an artificial channel that is created between the gallbladder and the ducts. It is used for continuous catheterization of the gallbladder.

Fistulocholecystocholangiographer is a specialist who performs FCHG. He must be highly qualified and experienced in working with this method.

In conclusion, we can say that fistulocholecystocholangiography is an important method for diagnosing and treating diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder.