Reaction Aversions

Reaction A version is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person rejects something unwanted, pushes it away from himself, and it ceases to be perceived.

When something causes us negative emotions or unpleasant sensations, we can react to it with rejection, that is, simply not notice it. In this way, we avoid unpleasant experiences.

However, the aversion reaction can be not only useful, but also harmful. For example, if a person constantly rejects everything that does not fit with his ideas of how things should be, he may become closed off and unable to accept new ideas and experiences.

In addition, the a version reaction can lead a person to avoid situations that can cause negative emotions in him. This can lead to a limitation of his opportunities and experiences, as well as a loss of interest in life.

To avoid such consequences, it is important to learn to accept and be aware of your emotions, as well as be able to express them constructively. It is also helpful to develop your ability to empathize and understand other people so that you can better understand their needs and desires.

Overall, the A version response is an important psychological defense mechanism that helps us cope with stress and negative emotions. However, it is important to be able to use it in moderation and not abuse it.

An aversion reaction is a special type of involuntary reactions, which is characterized by a reaction of rejection of certain stimuli. This type of reaction is associated with a violation of attention to certain stimuli due to their intensity or characteristic form. The reaction is non-specific and can manifest itself in various situations - in relationships between people, when perceiving musical compositions or when reacting to loud sounds. One of the most striking examples of a reaction is an acute dislike for rodents, which is considered one of the basic reactions and is closely related to the evolutionary development of humans.

The basis for the development of this reaction is the fear reaction, which is the simplest form of behavior aimed at eliminating the threat. It occurs in response to influences that can cause restlessness and anxiety, such as sudden and loud sounds, bright lights, touches of strangers, etc. In this case, the fear reaction is part of the body's self-preservation mechanism. However, some people, especially those living in a stressful social environment, may experience an increased reaction to certain types of stimuli - an aversion reaction. This is expressed in the fact that certain stimuli lead to acute psychological dissatisfaction, disgust or even contempt