
Product description **Fitomist** is an innovative cosmetic product developed by Laboratory Fitosolba (France). Fitomist is a hair spray that provides effective hair care and is an ideal product for styling, moisturizing and nourishing hair.

**The main advantages of using Phytomist:** * Phytomist contains active ingredients that moisturize and nourish hair, protecting it from brittleness and damage. * The spray makes hair styling easier, makes hair more manageable and maintains hair style throughout the day. * The product has antistatic properties, which prevents electrification of hair during styling. * Convenient packaging allows you to use Fitomist immediately before styling, maintaining its properties and effectiveness.

Active ingredients The spray contains natural plant extracts such as aloe vera, lavender, jasmine and other beneficial ingredients. They have a soft and gentle effect on hair, making it healthier and shiny. The spray does not contain parabens, sulfates, phthalates and other harmful chemicals, and does not cause allergic reactions or skin irritation.

Recommendations for use Before using the spray, you must carefully read the instructions for use and follow the recommendations. Typically, Fitomist is applied to clean, damp hair and then dried with a towel or hairdryer. It is recommended to apply the spray to dry hair before styling. Phytomist can be used in several ways, depending on the purpose and needs.

For example,

Fitomist is a cosmetic product that is produced by the Phytosolba Laboratory in France and belongs to the group of cosmetics. This spray is designed to moisturize and nourish the hair and scalp.

The main difference between Fitomist and other cosmetic products is that it contains natural plant extracts that strengthen hair and restore its structure. Fitomist also does not contain harmful chemicals and does not cause allergic reactions.

The Fitosolb laboratory is one of the leaders in the cosmetics market in France. Its products have a high level of quality and efficiency.