
Phytosorbivit is a dietary supplement that helps reduce the risk of developing inflammatory or ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. It was developed by the Artlife company from Russia, whose brand is positioned as one of the highest quality manufacturers of health products in the field of dietary supplements.

Health enthusiasts often seek out supplements with anti-inflammatory properties to prevent or treat gastrointestinal diseases. Phytosorbvit is one such supplement that contains plant extracts that enhance the secretion of gastric juice and improve digestion. This supplement also provides relief from inflammation and support for gastrointestinal microflora.

Thanks to its unique combination of plant extracts, phytosorbvit is able to cope with many digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), antibiotic-induced syndrome, food allergies, gastritis and other problems. In addition, it also has antioxidant properties that help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from many potentially harmful environmental influences.