Flat (Bearish) Foot

Flat foot is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by a pathological decrease in the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. With this congenital defect, the entire middle part of the foot touches the ground, causing the foot to become longer and wider.

Children with flat feet usually cannot run much and begin to experience pain in their calves and then in their feet. In adults, leg fatigue, pain, and often extensive calluses on the soles and fingers appear.

The only way to get rid of pain is to order from a specialist special insoles or orthopedic plates “for flat feet”, which are inserted into shoes. These plates support the inner (middle) part of the foot, causing pain and calluses to gradually disappear.

If a small child is given the right shoes, as soon as the irregularity of his feet is noticed, he will have to wear the plates for no more than a year, and the foot will straighten out. Thus, early detection and treatment of flat feet in children can achieve good results and prevent the development of severe foot deformities in the future.