Basic Information About Dietary Supplements

Biologically active food supplements (BAFAs) are products of natural origin that are used to prevent many diseases and increase the effectiveness of their treatment. Their use is a certain stage in the evolution of society’s views on human health.

The term "dietary supplements" shows that natural products and substances are additional measures towards improving health. Undoubtedly, the use of dietary supplements helps prevent diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, cancer - that is, diseases that determine the high mortality rate in most developed countries.

Including dietary supplements involves the consumption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients of natural origin that help maintain health, prevent disease and speed up the healing process. When a specific nutrient is deficient and there are no serious classic symptoms, in many cases signs of a vitamin or mineral deficiency include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, general discomfort, or other mild, nonspecific symptoms.

However, although there is a wealth of scientific evidence supporting dietary supplements, many medical experts and researchers do not support them. At the same time, it is interesting to note that 98% of them take dietary supplements themselves, realizing that they are not getting what the body needs from regular food.

In order to choose the right dietary supplement, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the body, age, gender, lifestyle, presence of diseases and other factors. In addition, we should not forget that a person cannot compensate for harmful eating habits, the negative effects of stress and physical inactivity with medications or nutritional supplements.

Although many dietary supplements have significant beneficial effects on health, each person should pay significant attention to developing a positive perception of the world around him, regularly completing a specific exercise program and eating a nutritious diet. Therefore, the use of dietary supplements should be a comprehensive measure aimed at maintaining health and preventing diseases.