
Flavinate is a drug containing the active substance flavin adenine dinucleotide, which is one of the most important B vitamins (B2 or riboflavin). In the human body, this vitamin is involved in the process of energy production (ATP), which is necessary for the life of all cells in the body. In addition, riboflavinan plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails.

Indications for the use of flavianate include hypo and vitamin B2 deficiency, as well as abiltrophic and dystrophic processes of the retina, ophthalmological diseases such as glaucoma and skin manifestations of the hepatic form of porphyria, chronic diseases, etc.). Prescribed and prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. Unfortunately, there are no clinical trials related to side effects or overdose of the drug. However, when administered under the conjunctival tissue, headache, lacrimation, and dizziness may occur. Interaction with other drugs has not been studied.

There is a sufficient amount of literature on this drug. There are only a few positive reviews, all of them were published by manufacturers and pharmaceutical company representatives, and describe the high effectiveness of the drug. However, despite these facts. I have doubts about the effectiveness of Flaviant. Very few clinical trials have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of this drug, as well as the potential side effects. Possible side effects include dizziness and lacrimation. According to the results of previous studies and clinical trials, at the moment there is not enough scientific evidence about the effect of the drug on the body and its effectiveness.