

Tuberculosis is a disease characterized by inflammatory papulovesiculous rashes with pustules, a dense base and a predominance of a monomorphic rash similar to tuberculoid spots. There are single and multiple lesions. In psoriasiform and vulgar forms of the disease, smooth skin, flexor surfaces of the limbs and skin folds are affected. Herpetiform rashes are vesicular in nature. Blistering rashes can also occur with other mycoses. Vulgar lesions have an evolving, non-scarring appearance and are often layered. Externally, tuberculoid lesions are similar to herpetic rashes. Against the background of a healthy area of ​​skin, one of the pustular elements may acquire the typical picture of a herpetic vesicle. The disease is typical for the summer period of the year, often affects residents of resort areas and occurs in people, regardless of age and gender, who suffer from fungal infections of smooth skin. The localization of the rashes coincides

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by specific microbacteria tuberculosis, the main etiological factor in infectious diseases in humans and many animal species. In young children, in older people with impaired immunological reactivity and mainly in patients with AIDS, the development of miliary tuberculosis is possible - it occurs in the prenatal period or in the first years of a child’s life. There are two types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis - conditionally pathogenic for humans and pathogenic in humans, as well as aerobes - the causative agents of tuberculosis in humans. There is a BCG vaccine,