Флебосклероз (Phlebosclerosis, Venosclerosis)

Phlebosclerosis is a rare degenerative vascular change that affects the veins of the legs in young people. The cause of the development of this disease is not fully understood.

With phlebosclerosis, thickening of the walls of venous vessels occurs. Because of this, dense, tense structures resembling ropes are felt under the skin.

It is important to note that phlebosclerosis is not related to arteriosclerosis, a disease associated with damage to the arteries. In addition, phlebosclerosis does not require any special treatment.

Phlebosclerosis is a rare degenerative vascular change that affects the veins of the legs in young people. The cause of this disease is unknown.

With phlebosclerosis, the walls of the veins thicken, and the person begins to feel as if there are ropes stretched under the skin instead of veins. This sensation is explained by the loss of elasticity of the veins due to their hardening.

It is important to note that phlebosclerosis is in no way associated with the development of arteriosclerosis and does not require any special treatment. This degenerative disease of the venous system of the legs does not pose a threat to human health and life.

Phlebosclerosis is a rare degenerative change in blood vessels. The cause of this disease is poorly understood. As a result of phlebosclerosis, the walls of the veins thicken in young people. A person experiences severe pain and discomfort in the lower extremities.

Phlebosclerosis affects the veins of the extremities. Varicose or thrombosed veins often occur. A frequent consequence of phlebosclerotic changes is lipoma, that is, an accumulation of adipose tissue. The veins gather in a ball, forming a subcutaneous nodule, which feels like an elastic ball. Not only the connective tissue of the vessels of the lower extremities gradually thickens