Folliculocyte Ovarian

The ovarian folliculocyte (folliculocytus ovaricus) is a specialized cell that forms the wall of the follicle in the ovary.

Follicles are structures in the ovaries in which eggs mature. The follicle wall consists of several layers of folliculocytes.

Main functions of folliculocytes:

  1. Maintaining the maturation process of the egg inside the follicle. Folliculocytes produce hormones and nutrients necessary for the development of the oocyte.

  2. Regulation of metabolic processes in the follicle.

  3. Preparing the follicle for ovulation - rupture for the release of a mature egg. Before ovulation, folliculocytes begin to produce the enzyme hyaluronidase, which “loosens” the wall.

Thus, folliculocytes play a key role in the reproductive function of the ovaries, ensuring the normal development of oocytes.

Folliculocytes are specialized cells found in a woman's ovaries that are involved in the production of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which are important for the functioning of the female reproductive system. These cells are also precursors to the formation of the corpus luteum and may participate in