Food Legislation

Food legislation is a set of normative documents issued by government bodies that regulate the production of food products, their qualitative composition, range and sales rules. These regulations play an important role in ensuring food safety and preventing mass food poisonings.

According to current legislation, food safety is ensured through a number of measures, including:

1. Control of the quality and safety of raw materials - the state controls the quality and safety of all ingredients used in the production of food products. This is done in order to avoid the use of low-quality raw materials and guarantee consumers high quality prepared food products. 2. Passing sanitary control during food production

Food legislation is an important part of regulating the production and consumption of food products. It includes many laws, regulations and standards that define the requirements for food quality, safety and production.

One of the main documents regulating food production is GOST R 51074-2003 “Food products. Information for the consumer.” It establishes requirements for the information that must be provided to the consumer about the product, including its composition, shelf life, storage conditions and methods of preparation.

There are also rules governing the production and sale of food. For example, in Russia there is Federal Law No. 29-FZ dated January 2, 2000 “On the quality and safety of food products,” which establishes requirements for food safety, as well as for the organization of production and quality control.

In addition, there are standards that define food quality and safety standards. In Russia, there are GOSTs, SanPiNs and other standards that establish requirements for the quality and safety of food products.

An important aspect of food legislation is the fight against food fraud. Food adulteration is the counterfeiting or alteration of the composition of a product in order to deceive the consumer. To combat counterfeiting, there are special measures such as product quality control, product labeling and certification, and criminal prosecution for counterfeit products.

In general, food legislation plays an important role in ensuring the safety and quality of food products, and its compliance is mandatory for all participants in the food chain - producers, sellers and consumers.