Forbes Bone Grafting

Forbes Boneplasty (W.S. Forbes, 1831–1905) - American surgeon, famous for his work in the field of bone grafting. Bone grafting is a method of treating bone fractures and restoring their shape and function.

Forbes Boneplasty began his career as a surgeon at Boston Hospital in 1860. He specialized in the treatment of fractures and bone injuries, using bone grafting techniques to restore damaged areas.

One of Forbes' most famous methods was his bone grafting technique, which restored the shape and function of damaged bones. He used various materials such as bone, plastic and metal to create artificial grafts, which were then placed at the fracture site.

Forbes bone grafting has become widely used in medicine due to its effectiveness and safety. However, despite all his achievements, Forbes remained a doctor who fought for the rights of patients and defended their interests.

In conclusion, Forbes Bone Plastic was one of the most talented surgeons of his time and made significant contributions to the development of bone grafting and medicine in general. His methods and techniques became the basis for many other works in this field, and his name remains a symbol of professionalism and dedication to patients.

Forbes bone grafting (W.S. Forbes) was developed by American surgeon and professor William Sedge Forbes in the 1880s. This technology has become one of the most popular and widely used in bone surgery.

Forbes studied the principles of anatomy and plastic surgery to create the most effective treatment for bone deformities and other orthopedic problems. He also developed methods for restoring the pinna and damaged ears after injury.

Forbes' technology is based on the use of a new concept in medicine - adaptive surgery, which allows you to change the shape and volume of parts of the patient's body in order to eliminate defects and functional disorders. Although the method was originally developed for use in maxillofacial surgery, it has found wide application in other areas of medicine, such as orthopedics, urology and neurosurgery.

The first experience with this technology was made on a cartilaginous plate. Forbes has shown that his methods can improve the appearance of a surgical defect and eliminate tension. He developed the endochondral technique, in which bone material replaces the defective section of cartilage. This method was the first clinically effective way to restore bone and cartilage components. Forbes later expanded his technique and applied it to fascial and muscular defects. After these procedures, patients can regain their previous level of functioning of the damaged body parts. However, Forbes' most famous surgeries are changes to the jaw joints. Today, this method is often used to reconstruct bones and improve the quality of life of patients suffering from various diseases.

Forbes bone grafting is a technique that is used for operations to eliminate deformities of intracerebral gliomas. The intervention is carried out by creating a vacuum in the inside of the skull and removing excess fluid. Removing the tumor reduces pain. The Forbes method belongs to the category of non-invasive interventions that are performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Within a few days the patient is discharged from the hospital.