Forceps Polypicular Fenestrated

Polyp fenestrated forceps: a tool for grasping and extracting polyps

Polyp Fenestrated Forceps is an instrument that is widely used in gynecology for grasping and removing cervical polyps or parts of the ovum. These forceps have holes in the oval jaws that allow you to easily grasp and remove polyps.

Cervical polyps are small tumors that can appear on the inside of the cervix. They are usually not cancerous, but can cause some unpleasant symptoms such as bleeding and lower abdominal pain. Polyp Fenestrated forceps allow you to quickly and painlessly remove these polyps.

In addition, Polyp Fenestrated Forceps can be used to remove parts of the fertilized egg in case of incomplete abortion or termination of pregnancy. This process can be very important for maintaining the health of the mother.

When using Polypus Fenestrated Forceps, it is important to take all precautions to avoid damage to surrounding tissues and organs. These forceps should only be used by qualified professionals such as gynecologists or obstetricians.

In conclusion, the Polyp Fenestrated Forceps is an important tool in gynecological practice, which allows you to quickly and painlessly remove polyps and extract parts of the ovum. These forceps should only be used under the supervision of qualified professionals to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Final polyp forceps are a reusable medical device. Shch is intended for the removal of various tumors, polyps, as well as other pathological neoplasms in gynecological diseases, by clamping and fixing elements of the vagina, cervix, and anterior wall in depth. Sh. s. holes in oval sponge