
Yaws is a benign tumor that forms as a result of yaws (yaws) - an infectious tropical disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pertenue.

Yaws are nodules in the subcutaneous tissue, most often localized on the legs, buttocks and genitals. The size ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The nodules have a dense elastic consistency and are painless.

The cause of yaws is the proliferation of granulation tissue in areas of inflammation during yaws. Histologically, yaws consist of growths of connective tissue with lymphoid infiltration.

Diagnosis is based on the disease history, clinical picture and histological examination.

Treatment consists of antibiotic therapy for the underlying disease. After treatment of yaws, the nodes gradually disappear. In rare cases, surgical removal of large and ulcerated nodes is performed.

The prognosis is favorable; after adequate treatment, yaws completely regress.