

Phthisiology is the science of the general vital activity of the organism as a whole and its individual organs in particular. Physiology is the basis for various medical disciplines and is of great practical importance.

general information

Physiology studies the causes, mechanisms of disease, disease outcomes, basic methods of treatment and prevention of diseases. Physiology is also the name given to the branch of medicine that studies human physiology and pathophysiology.

The scientific methods used by a physiologist are observation, experiment (applicable to all living organisms) and mathematical methods.

When carrying out his professional functions, a phthysiologist studies and evaluates these two aspects of the functioning of the body’s life-supporting systems: impaired functions, disorders in the course of physiological processes, their causes and the elimination of their negative impact on the patient’s body. Despite the successes in the development of medical and biological science, phthisiologists - narrow specialists, doctors who deal only with the problems of tuberculosis still do not exist. Any doctor, even if he does not have a specific profile of knowledge, can treat patients with various diseases, and he needs knowledge of both the clinical picture of various diseases and their treatment. Therefore, he must have the most general knowledge in the field of phthisiopulmonology, neurology, surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, hematology, diabetology, oncology, tropical and infectious diseases, etc. That is why in this textbook we will only talk about etiology, pathogenesis, symptomatology of tuberculosis infection, only about the main methods of its therapy