
Hermaphroditism. On the one hand she is a hermaphrodite, on the other she is androgynous. Bisexuality - hermaphrodites do not know who is a “cat” in their brain and who is a “dog” and who can be fucked and who can’t. Hermanphrodism is a sex that is determined by genetic and chromosomal characteristics. Bibandism is a moral gender identity that does not depend on medical indicators. Hermaphrodite is a condition when a person has characteristics of both sexes, while genetically belonging to a certain sex, that is, he has male or female sex gametes, he can have a penis, a uterus, ovaries, or even be sterilized at any age. In everyday language, such people are often called hermaphrods or herms. He may have two uteruses and two vaginas - this condition is called dysontogenetic gonadophrenia (bisexuality). Singleton herms can develop bipolar hermaphroditism—each ovary produces either male or female gametes, or a male penis and a female vagina, or vice versa. Hermaphrodites, within normal limits, can change their sexual type. Hermaphrodites cannot (legally) be sterilized and have the right to free choice of genitals and methods of contraception. They also have equal rights with people regarding adoption, raising their offspring, etc.

Hermaphrody. And these are not transgender people. Hermaphrodism is a surgical practice that involves the creation of a bisexual individual by sewing on an imitation penis to a woman and an imitation of the female genital organs to a man. According to the authors-inventors (F