
Ftorafur (Teva-pharm) –

immunosuppressive drug. The mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of the synthesis of DNA matrix for the formation of RNA, cellular proteins and cell division. Alkylates paired DNA bases at thymine and purine (hypoxanthine)-producing cells and suppresses the formation of GTP, which in turn stimulates the effect of ZN (zonamide nucleoprotein) by inhibiting the polymerization of the TPUR (polyurine) dimer. Range of action - normal and transformed human and animal cells, cultured tissues and microorganisms. Does not affect viruses, bacteria and fungi. More toxic to rapidly dividing cells than to slowly dividing cells (for example, human cell culture, fibroblasts, epidermal cells. The drug has 2 release forms: capsules and injection solution. The package contains up to 150 capsules or 14 ml of 31.6 mg solution /ml. The volume is administered once a day after one or two weeks, depending on the extent of the oncology. Most patients tolerate Ftorafur well, with the exception of some side effects that appear with long-term use of the drug. The most common are weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite , paresthesia, dysfunction of the heart and nervous system. It is also possible that problems may arise from the respiratory and digestive systems, changes in the structure of the skin, liver,