Food Ration Dry

A dry food ration is a food ration issued to military personnel in cases where it is not possible to prepare hot food from the main food ration products.

Dry food rations consist of canned and dry shelf-stable foods that do not require cooking. It usually includes canned food (stewed meat, condensed milk, etc.), crackers, cookies, concentrates, tea, etc. This set of products makes it possible to provide soldiers with the necessary nutrition in field conditions, when it is not possible to deploy a field kitchen.

Dry food rations are issued to military personnel for up to 10 days, depending on the assigned task. It must contain a certain amount of calories and nutrients to maintain the strength and performance of soldiers. The correctly selected composition of dry rations allows you to provide adequate nutrition even in the harshest conditions.

Dry food ration

Introduction Food rations are designed to provide military personnel with hot food of approximately the same quality as at home. Dry rations, just like food rations, are intended to ensure that army personnel can eat. Only if you can eat canned food at home, then