Mortality rate Age

The age-specific mortality rate is a demographic indicator that shows the ratio of the number of people of a certain age who died over a certain period of time (usually for 1 year) to the size of a given age group. This coefficient allows us to estimate the mortality rate in different age groups and identify the most vulnerable groups of the population.

The age-specific mortality rate is used in statistics to analyze demographic processes, determine mortality rates and predict future trends. It allows you to assess the effectiveness of measures to prevent and control diseases, as well as identify factors influencing the mortality rate in different age groups.

To calculate the age-specific mortality rate, it is necessary to know the population size in each age group and the number of deaths for a certain period. Then you should divide the number of deaths by the size of the corresponding age group and multiply by 1000. The result obtained is expressed in ppm (‰).

For example, if 10,000 people aged 65 to 74 died in a year, and the number of this age group was 1,000,000 people, then the age-specific mortality rate will be equal to 1‰ (1000/1000*1000=1000). This means that approximately 1 person per 1,000 inhabitants die each year in this age group.

It is important to note that the age-specific mortality rate may vary depending on many factors, such as socio-economic conditions, level of health care, availability of medical care and others. Therefore, the analysis of this indicator allows us to identify trends and problems in the field of health and take measures to solve them.

In general, the age-specific mortality rate is an important demographic indicator that allows one to estimate the mortality rate and identify the most vulnerable age groups of the population. It is used in statistics and data analysis for decision making in health, social care and population planning.

One of the most important tasks of demography is the study of the demographic structure of the population. It includes a number of characteristics, such as age structure, gender and age, etc.

One such characteristic is the mortality rate - the ratio of the number of deaths of a certain age period during a certain period of time to the total number of that age population. It is an important measure of mortality in a particular age group. The mortality rate is the main tool for analyzing mortality and one of the key indicators that determine the demographic situation in the country.

Analysis of the level and structure of mortality allows us to obtain information about the causes of high mortality among various population groups, such as the elderly, children, etc. Also, analysis of trends in mortality makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of social policies aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, including health care and support for large families.

In addition, determining the age-specific mortality rate allows you to more accurately assess the potential of life expectancy and make forecasts of population mortality in the near future. This is important for planning economic and social infrastructure such as