Fungus (Fungus, Plural. Fungi)

Fungi are simple organisms that do not have chlorophyll, meaning they cannot produce their own food. Instead, they obtain nutrients from their environment, mainly from soil or other organic matter.

Mushrooms come in different types and sizes, and they can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. For example, some types of fungi are used medicinally to produce antibiotics. Other types of fungi, such as mold, can cause allergic reactions in humans and lead to various diseases.

Most fungi are saprophytes, meaning they feed on organic matter that is already in the environment. However, some fungi can also be parasites that live inside plants or animals and feed on their tissue.

There are many types of mushrooms, and each of them has its own unique properties and functions. Some mushrooms can be used to make food such as bread or cheese, while others are used to make medicine.

In general, fungi are an important part of the ecosystem and play an important role in the cycle of substances in nature. However, they can also be dangerous to humans, so it is important to know how to use them correctly and how to avoid contact with them.

Fungi and fungi are simple organisms that do not have the green pigment chlorophyll and belong to the kingdom Fungi. They can exist as saprophytic organisms or parasitize other organisms, including plants and animals. Some types of fungi and fungi can be dangerous to human health, causing various diseases.

Yeast is a fungus that is used in the food industry to produce bread, wine and beer. Yeast is also a source of B vitamins, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body.

Mold is also a fungus that can cause various diseases in humans, such as allergies, asthma and others. Mold can also cause food and materials to spoil.

Antibiotics are obtained from certain types of mold, such as Penicillium and Aspergillus. Penicillin, one of the most famous antibiotics, was obtained from the mold Penicillium notatum.

Thus, fungi and fungi play an important role in nature and human life. They can be both beneficial and dangerous to health, so you need to know how to handle them and how to prevent their negative effects on the body.

In biology, fungi are the primitive plant organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which were previously classified as the kingdom of fungi. The term was introduced in 1791 by Sirius Alphonse de Gray, a student of Carl Linnaeus. Since the adoption of the new definition, no new groups of fungi have been recorded.