
Insomnia is a common condition that affects many people around the world. This is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for the required number of hours, which leads to constant fatigue and fatigue. Insomnia can have various causes, but the most common is anxiety.

Worry and anxiety can arise due to various factors such as work, relationships, health or finances. When we experience strong emotions, our body begins to release stress hormones such as adrenaline, which leads to an increase in heart rate and increased alertness. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and lead to insomnia.

In addition, insomnia can be a comorbid condition, especially if it is accompanied by severe pain, such as chronic pain or migraine. In this case, pain interferes with falling asleep and leads to sleep disturbances.

Insomnia can come in many forms: some people may have trouble falling asleep, others may have trouble sleeping in general, and others may have trouble waking up too early and having trouble falling asleep. Also, insomnia can be temporary or chronic, depending on the duration of its existence.

Temporary insomnia can occur due to changes in sleep schedule, flying and time zone changes, as well as stressful life events that may arise from time to time.

Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, lasts for several months and may be associated with more serious medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, or illnesses that cause insomnia.

Treatment for insomnia may include changing sleep habits, such as establishing a regular sleep schedule, getting rid of strong emotions and stress, and using relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to help improve sleep quality.

Overall, insomnia is a common condition that can have many causes. If you suffer from insomnia, it is important to see your doctor to get sound advice and help treating the condition.

Insomnia is the inability to fully rest, even when favorable conditions are created for this. When a person cannot control his sleep and comes to work tired, then all doctors treat this illness.

The main symptom of the disease is feeling tired the next day after sleep, so it is more difficult to “wake up”. It is almost always difficult to fall asleep. The consequence is rapid wear and tear of the body and fatigue while awake. Your daily routine is also disrupted, which leads to irritability, tension, and headaches. The causes of insomnia are numerous and are divided into physiological and psychological. One of the first is a violation of natural

Insomnia is the lack of restful sleep at the required hours, which negatively affects health and performance. In this article we will look at the causes of insomnia, as well as ways to combat it.

The causes of insomnia can be both psychological and physiological. Psychological causes include stress, anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, and sleep disturbances. Physiological causes may include pain, allergies, headaches, certain medications, and other medical conditions.

With insomnia, a person experiences a constant feeling of fatigue and weakness, sleeps little and often wakes up at night. Without good rest, it is impossible to have a quality working day, even if you feel great. When the body's strength and desire to work at its best, we are tormented by the thought of how we would like to rest all 24 hours a day in order to fully replenish the resource. Are you sleeping well? If you have sleep problems, it is better to prevent them than to treat them. There are several ways to combat insomnia:

1. Follow a daily routine. Always go to bed at the same time, get up 7-8 hours before work. Wake up without an alarm clock by opening your eyes yourself. Usually our better half does not get up right away, gradually bringing you back to your senses along with a contrast shower. If you still can’t get used to the routine, sleep during the day listening to soothing sounds, this will help you get into the right frame of mind. 2. Play sports. Aerobic exercise improves sleep, acts as an antidepressant, and reduces stress. It is best to exercise 3-4 times a week, but if there is no time, then at least 1-2 times, especially in the evening. However, if you have pain, you need to be careful, and if you have autoimmune diseases, you should avoid training altogether. 3. Ventilate your bedroom more often. Often the cause of insomnia is musty rooms where there is excessive heat. This causes headaches and disrupts blood circulation, leading to feelings of anxiety. Try it