Furor Epilepticus

Furor epilepticus is a sudden and serious condition that can occur in a person with epilepsy during a seizure. This is not just a feeling of fatigue or anxiety, but a life-threatening phenomenon that requires immediate medical attention. Here's how to describe furor epilepticus:

The first thing that manifests itself in furor epilepticusa is a sudden, severe and short-term attack of epilepsy. There is a belching and a strong cough, a throaty, mooing sound, sometimes out of breath in the jaw. The person loses consciousness and suffers tongue paralysis. During a seizure, the heart's function is disrupted, the pulse becomes rapid and weak, and the skin turns pale. At this moment, the person does not control his movements and breathing, and may become dehydrated and injured.

The causes of furor'a epilepticus are unknown - often people with epilepsy suffer from this dangerous problem when even the first signs of epilepsy are absent. Scientists have been studying this problem for a long time to understand why such attacks occur. So far, all research suggests that there are several possible causes of furor and epilepticuse, the main one of which is genetic.

Diagnosis of problems with the epileptic body is carried out by a group of specialists: a neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, nurse or social worker. A blood test, ultrasound of the brain, E