
Vertograd in the Church Slavonic language is a garden or, in general, a collection of plants and birds. The first mention in Russian is found in the “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” and many other texts of the 13th-15th centuries. At that time, vegetation and birds were considered symbols of Christian piety. For example, the meaning of the word Svyatopolyanami (in handwritten collections of interpretations it is found as fragrant glades) is a sacred place where incense is burned, that is, prayers.

The word is used by Peter I, in his royal decrees from 1704, when choosing sites for churches, it is also met by Alexander II. Book sources record more than 30 variants of the name of the vertograd, however, traditionally only 2 are dedicated to gardens: the World (Universe) and the Heavenly. Most names were given simply on the principle: this part of the plant is good,