Hallucinations Commanding

Hallucination There are no hallucinations in the sphere of emotions. The emotional sphere is characterized by a discrepancy between the internal and external world of a person, here their boundaries are erased, “broken” or deliberately coarsened to the primitive (heroin, alcohol, other drugs). The language of nonsense reigns here - logical and “literate”. In this area, a person gains that measure of freedom that he does not have in reality. His emotions can take the form of both conscious and unconscious action scenarios.

Psychology allows us to leave this line relatively open. The purpose of madness is known and formulated in a Greek proverb. This formulation of the problem implies the irrationality of the process of both generation and interpretation of facts by a person in an altered state of consciousness. These processes are in a relationship of subordination, control, suppression, resistance to common sense and behavior using verbal substitutes (verbal-mental acts). Where the result is actions that are subordinate to other people's suggestions (destructive goals), but having the possibility of an objective judgment about a perfect person. Accordingly, actions are “unmotivated” for an external observer and gain power over the subject. Some people have developed the opinion that the presence of hallucinatory images is accompanied by a certain degree of pathology in the individual. In fact, only a small proportion of people with magical or religious beliefs suffer from hallucinations. For example, they sincerely believe that if they pray correctly, higher powers will help them get rid of misfortunes. As a rule, hallucinatory images cannot appear without a certain motivation, therefore