
Galmanin-MFF: antiseptic from the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory

Galmanin-MFF is a drug produced by the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia) and belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antiseptics. Its international name is Galmanin. It is presented in only one dosage form - powder.

This product has a wide range of applications, including the treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Galmanin-MFF has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

Galmanin-MFF contains an active substance - octenidine digluconate, which acts on microorganisms that cause infections, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also helps constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling, which helps speed up the healing of affected tissue.

The drug Galmanin-MFF is recommended for the treatment of wounds, burns, bruises, skin diseases (including fungal), as well as for the prevention of infections after surgery and other medical procedures. It can also be used for oral hygiene and gum disease treatment.

Galmanin-MFF is a safe and effective drug, but before its use