Gamma Apparatus Hose

A hose gamma device (GAS) is a device designed for intracavitary gamma irradiation of human organs and tissues. It consists of a flexible hose, at the end of which there is a radiation source, and a protective container where radioactive materials are stored.

GAS is used in medicine to treat various diseases, such as cancer, tuberculosis, inflammatory processes and others. During irradiation, radioactive material moves through a flexible hose, which is inserted into the cavity of an organ or tissue. Radioactive particles emitted by the source penetrate cells and tissues, causing their destruction and the death of cancer cells.

One of the main advantages of GAS is its flexibility and the ability to be introduced into hard-to-reach places. This allows radiation to be given even in cases where other treatments are not available. In addition, the use of GAS allows to reduce irradiation time and reduce the radiation dose to the patient.

However, when using GAS, certain safety precautions must be observed. The radioactive material must be stored in a special container, and the operator must be trained in how to handle it. It is also necessary to take into account possible side effects, such as radiation exposure of personnel and surrounding people.

In general, GAS is an effective and safe method for treating many diseases. However, its use should only be carried out under the supervision of qualified personnel and in accordance with established safety regulations.

A hose gamma machine is a device used for intracavitary radiation. It consists of a flexible hose containing a radioisotope source. During operation, the source moves along the hose and is in the storage position in a protective container, then moves to the irradiation position. After the end of irradiation, the source is returned back to the container.

The gamma tube device is used to treat various diseases such as cancer, thyroid diseases and others.