Gandhi-Gamny Siderofibrotic Nodules

Gandhi Gamma siderofibrid nodules

Gandhi-gamma-sisterofibrous nodule is a genetically heterogeneous group of benign proliferative and inflammatory changes of the hilar lymph nodes, including lymph, macrophages, plasma cells and fibroblasts with abnormal expression of interleukin (IL) receptors, transcription factor NF-ATc and other signaling molecules, cytokines in cells (especially IL-17A) and proteins involved in cell adhesion and migration, histo

Title: Gandhi Gamny – Siderofibrous nodular syndrome

Gandhi-Gamma, which combines the unique experience of two outstanding doctors - the American surgeon Gandhi and the Italian physician Gamna and his representatives. The result of their work is based on the use of siderostimulants, which form the basis of its treatment. ***About Gandhi*** Gandhi was famous for his work in the field of cardiac surgery and is one of the first modern people to use a tool such as heart pumps to treat cardiovascular diseases. He is also considered the founder of modern heart and lung transplantation, as well as the author of the kate method