Ganglion Spinal

Many people diagnosed with pinched spinal nerves periodically experience back pain. This can happen during lifting, due to the fact that a person carelessly turned or bent over, and other types of back injuries and bruises. And also against the background of excessive physical activity and heavy lifting. In severe cases, compression of the spinal cord occurs, which is manifested by various symptoms, for example: numbness of the limbs, motor paralysis of one of the lower arms and legs, convulsions, and urination problems. With severe infringement, involuntary splashing of the contents of the bladder or rectum is often observed, and urinary retention occurs; all these symptoms should cause concern and subject the patient to immediate medical attention. Consequences - ganglion syringomyelia develop after spinal cord injuries. The diagnosis is made when a tumor-like formation (ganglion) appears at the site of a spinal bruise or after a puncture with a novocaine or lidocaine needle. If a lesion appears without the presence of injury, this indicates a tumor of the spinal cord or spine. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the back, such as myositis, pinched nerve ending syndrome is often detected - a manifestation of inflammation of the spinal nerve roots.