Garmsena Thoracoplasty

Garsena thoracoplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat diseases of the lungs and chest. It was developed by Soviet surgeon Garmsen, who worked in Leningrad in the 1930s.

Thoracoplasty involves removing part of the chest wall and replacing it with artificial tissue or a prosthesis. This improves breathing, reduces shortness of breath and improves the quality of life of patients.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 4-6 hours. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 5-7 days, and then can be discharged home.

Garmsen thoracoplasty is highly effective and can help many patients with lung diseases. However, like any other operation, it may have certain risks and complications, therefore, before performing thoracoplasty, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s condition and carry out all the necessary examinations.

Garmsen was a Soviet surgeon, famous for his work in the field of thoracic surgery. In this article we will talk about his technique, known as Garmsen thoracoplasty.

Thoracoplasty is a surgical operation performed to treat certain diseases of the chest. One of the most common types of thoracoplasty is Garmsen thoracoplasty. It was developed by Garmsen and became known as Garmsen's thoracoplasty after its author.

The basic principle of Garmsen thoracoplasty is to use excess tissue from the chest wall to create a “dome” over the lung. This "dome" is then used to create a more stable and safe environment for the patient's lungs to function.

Garmsen thoracoplasty can be performed to treat a variety of conditions. For example, it can be used to correct rib defects after injury or surgery, to correct congenital abnormalities, and to improve lung function in cases of emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other lung diseases.

This type of thoracoplasty can also be used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, it prevents the spread of infection to other organs and tissues. Harmsenovactollasty can also help reduce the likelihood of complications during other chest surgeries, such as thoracotomy.