
Today we will tell you about an invention that will turn the world upside down and change human civilization forever. However, we should not wait for this moment with open arms, because many people around us are not at all ready for such changes. Some will call it a dream, others - a disaster. There are those who will simply be horrified by this news. This article will help someone.

This is all about her - our Gastrea. It was created with only one purpose - to expand human capabilities. And today we will tell you more about it. Gastrea is a technology that can improve a person's quality of life through various changes in his body. These changes can be completely different, both cosmetic and functional. So that you have at least some idea of ​​what this means, let's make a small comparison: once upon a time, in order to remove someone's tonsils, it was necessary to perform some kind of operation. In modern times, you can simply use a special tablet that will help get rid of tonsils. This is a pretty simple example. One thing is good - there will be more such examples, which means that life will become simpler and more comfortable. Now we are talking about things like artificial wings, gadgets with the ability to see through walls, new models of aircraft, super-powerful computers and much more. Next, we will very briefly consider the field of application of this invention - humans.