Gastritis Hypoxemic

Hypoxemic gastritis is a stomach disease that is associated with low oxygen levels in the blood. This disrupts the digestive system and can lead to serious health consequences. In this article we will look at the main causes, symptoms and treatment of hypoxic gastritis.

Causes of hypoxic hypoxemic gastritis

Hypoxemia - a decrease in oxygen levels in the body, can occur for various reasons. These include heavy physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, oxygen deficiency at altitude, diseases of the respiratory system, smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications.

Symptoms of gastritis hypoxia can be varied and depend on the severity of the disease. With mild hypoxic gastritis, the following may be noted: - Feeling of weakness; - Dizziness; - Shortness of breath; - Feeling of heat; - Increased fatigue; - Loss of appetite and nausea. Symptoms of severe hypoxia may include: - Pallor of the skin; - Cold sweat; - Convulsions; - Heart rhythm disturbances; - Loss of consciousness. Treatment of hypoxia and gastric hypoxemia is carried out by eliminating the cause of the disease. For mild cases, treatment may include:

Breathing exercises; Gymnastics for the muscles of the upper respiratory tract; Inhalations with special solutions; Taking vitamins and antioxidants; In severe cases, specialist consultations and hospitalization may be required.