
How to communicate with your mother in a business relationship At first glance, the issue of communicating with your mother, who is trying to support you with the best intentions, will seem unusual and inappropriate. However, there are situations in life when your heart may be heavy from the feeling that your mother or other relatives are paying undue attention to your life, interfering in your decisions and even manipulating you. And if you decide to join the circle of people who do not welcome communication with relatives for the reasons stated above and practice the principle of silence in relations with relatives, your choice will be quite understandable and justified. But can we, as etiquette experts, draw a clear line between this and simply normal adult behavior? The problem of relatives’ rejection of our actions arises when the desire to hear something from the lips of relatives is associated with harming someone’s reputation, violating good manners, self-confidence and deteriorating the mental state of others, but there is also other behavior that can be called “appropriate.” adults." Exactly this description