Gel Dermavit for papillomas and warts: reviews, price, instructions

Gel Dermavit

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of the gel
  2. The benefits of Dermavit for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications for use
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas and warts
  6. Real reviews about Dermavit

Dermavit is a medical drug for the removal of tumors caused by the human papillomavirus, namely warts and papillomas. The gel contains more than 10 compounds. Thanks to this, it not only fights the growth, but also neutralizes the virus that causes cell mutation, which helps avoid relapses. Dermavit acts gently, but is highly effective. Approved for use at home, easy to use, does not require special skills or training.

Description and composition of the gel "Dermavit"

Gel Dermavit for papillomas and warts

In the photo Dermavit for papillomas and warts

Gel Dermavit is a multicomponent product, which includes more than 10 compounds. Thanks to this, it has a comprehensive effect on benign epidermal neoplasms caused by HPV.

The drug is used to treat the following papillomas and warts:

  1. threadlike;
  2. vulgar;
  3. flat;
  4. plantar (pinuses).

Sodium tetraborate 3d model

The complex remedy Dermavit for papillomas includes the following components:

  1. Sodium tetraborate. It is the sodium salt of boric acid. It is considered the most common and used boron compound. This component has rapid absorption. Penetrates deeply into the affected tissues, having a strong effect on them. It is eliminated from the body by the excretory system, leaving no residue, after 5-7 days.
  2. Sodium salicylic acid. Also called sodium salicylate, the sodium salt of salicylic acid. Presented as colorless crystals with a high melting point, it has strong solubility in water. It is actively used in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the food industry as a preservative.
  3. Sodium hydroxide. It is considered the most common alkali. It is also called caustic soda or caustic soda. It is represented by a white solid, which is quite hygroscopic, due to which it acquires a liquid form in air, as it absorbs water vapor from it. It has high solubility in it, while releasing a considerable amount of heat. It is used in various industrial production, and is also used in domestic conditions - it is part of paper, detergents, and fuel. In cosmetology, it is mainly used for the treatment of warts and papillomas, as well as the removal of keratinized parts of the epidermis.
  4. Xanthan gum. It is a polysaccharide, synthesized by the fermentation of hydrocarbons using bacteria. This substance helps thicken and stabilize the drug formula, preventing the drug from changing its consistency and reducing its healing properties. Actively moisturizes the skin, which is why it is widely used in cosmetics.
  5. Propylene glycol. The compound is a transparent viscous liquid. It is a strong solvent for various types of substances. Breaks down many organic compounds, which contain oxygen and nitrogen. The substance is non-toxic. It is used in the production of heat transfer fluids and coolants, used as a preservative in the food industry, and used as a component of disinfectants. In cosmetology it is valued as a substance that actively moisturizes the skin and enhances the absorbent properties of the epidermis.
  6. Diazolidinyl urea. A compound that has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Unlike compounds that have a similar effect on microorganisms, it is not toxic. It is used in many cosmetic products as a preservative. It is a synthetic substance. One of the key components of the gel Dermavit from warts.
  7. Glycerol. It is represented by a thick transparent liquid synthesized by chemical processing of fats. It is highly hygroscopic and highly soluble in water. It has a sweetish taste and smell. When combined with propylene glycol, which is present in this preparation, it acquires more fluid properties. It is used in the food industry, tobacco production, medicine, as a component of detergents, in paper production, and is part of plastics and paints and varnishes. It is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries due to its ability to moisturize and soften the skin.
  8. Distilled water. A transparent liquid that is purified water, free of impurities and foreign inclusions. It is used to balance, stabilize, combine and dilute the concentration of substances in cosmetic preparations.

Dermavit also contains methylparaben, propylparaben, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone.

The drug has a gel-like structure, transparent or with a pale yellowish tint. Available in 3 ml plastic bottles.

The price of Dermavit-gel is from 280 rubles in Russia (from 135 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Dermavit are Superchistotel, Cryopharma, Verrukatsid (read reviews about the use of Verrukatsid). These drugs are not direct analogues of the drug, but are only similar in their effect on the tumor.

The benefits of Dermavit for papillomas

The drug Dermavit for papillomas and warts

Dermavit can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. But this does not mean that it is a product that is completely safe for the body. This is a mixture of chemical components; it contains acids and alkalis, which means they can have a fairly strong effect on the epidermis. And only strict adherence to safety measures will help achieve recovery.

The benefit of Dermavit in the treatment of warts and papillomas is to achieve the following health effects:

  1. Anesthetic. This drug is due to the presence of a salicylic acid derivative, which acts as a strong analgesic.
  2. Antipyretic. When the substances of the drug interact with the epidermis, an increase in body temperature at the application site is possible. However, the presence of sodium salicylic acid allows you to achieve an antipyretic effect and minimize the risk of getting a chemical burn when using the gel.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. This effect can be achieved by blocking the work of the glands responsible for the secretion of sweat and sebum at the treatment site, which contribute to the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and can lead to inflammation.
  4. Moisturizing. More than half of the substances included in this drug have an active moisturizing effect. This helps make the use of the ointment comfortable for the patient and prevents dryness, tightness, cracks and wounds on the skin.
  5. Emollient. The components of Dermavit for papillomas soften the rough, often keratinized skin of the neoplasm, due to which the active substances designed to fight HPV penetrate more deeply into the tissue structure.
  6. Cauterizing. Chemical components cauterize the epidermis at the treatment site, which causes tissue necrosis.
  7. Exfoliating. Deprived of the ability to function normally, the tissues gradually dry out and peel off.

Instructions for use of Dermavit for papillomas

How to use Dermavit for papillomas

At the beginning of therapy with any drug for tumors caused by the human papillomavirus, including the treatment of warts with Dermavit gel, it is necessary to consult with a surgeon, oncologist or dermatologist regarding the oncogenicity of this tumor.

Self-treatment can be carried out only if the wart or papilloma cannot transform from benign to malignant, that is, it has low oncogenicity. If the oncogenicity is average, it is better to carry out the first application in a medical institution, under the strict supervision of medical workers. And if the neoplasm has a high degree of degeneration, then it must be treated exclusively by medical staff.

Instructions for use of Dermavit:

  1. When removing old keratinized warts on the hands and feet, it is necessary to steam them and cut off the keratinized skin as much as possible with nail scissors, remove it with a pumice stone or a sanding file. This tumor grows inward, not outward, so it must be leveled with the skin level.
  2. Other growths must be washed with soap and dried before treatment.
  3. Healthy skin around the wart should be treated with a protective cream, Vaseline or covered with a band-aid.
  4. Tear off the protective seal, remove the cap from the Dermavit bottle and cut off the top of the pipette with scissors.
  5. Apply 1 drop of the product to the top of the growth and distribute it over the surface of the wart. There is no need to rub in the product.
  6. For a day, it is necessary to limit the contact of the treated area with water.

The instructions for the Dermavit gel note that it is recommended to carry out treatment once a day until the tumor disappears. If the skin reacts to the application with redness and discomfort is observed, carry out the procedure every other day. A clearer treatment algorithm based on your condition should be determined by your attending physician.

  1. Read how to use onions with vinegar to treat papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Dermavit for papillomas


The list of warnings displayed in the Dermavit instructions does not include any specific diseases or physiological conditions. Since the drug is used locally, treatments are carried out exclusively externally and precisely, it cannot cause damage to health if safety precautions are observed.

The use of Dermavit is prohibited for allergy sufferers, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children. However, this prohibition is not categorical and can be revised if the attending physician considers it appropriate.

At the same time, the instructions for the Dermavit gel clearly describe those areas that absolutely cannot be treated with this drug. Do not apply the product to:

  1. breast;
  2. genitals;
  3. face;
  4. axillary area.

According to reviews of Dermavit for papillomas, if all precautions are taken, the product acts quite gently.

If complications cannot be avoided, if inflammation occurs in healthy areas of the skin, rinse them with a stream of clean water for 15 minutes. It should take at least a quarter of an hour to wash the mucous membranes in case of accidental contact with the product. If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse it also and be sure to consult a doctor. If the discomfort of an allergic reaction on the skin and mucous membranes gradually decreases, additional therapy is not needed.

  1. Read reviews about the use of Papilight

Results of treatment of papillomas and warts with Dermavit

Results of wart removal with Dermavit

The photo shows the results of wart removal using Dermavit

According to Dermavit's instructions, a noticeable effect from the use of this product occurs within 7-10 days after the start of therapy. The drug penetrates deep into the tissue, neutralizes the virus located in the mutated cells and leads to their necrosis, as a result of which the wart gradually dries out and eventually peels off completely.

Reviews of Dermavit confirm the effect declared by the manufacturers. In some cases, it takes only a few days to heal small warts; larger and older ones take longer to remove. However, a positive effect is almost always observed. In this connection, the drug can be considered highly effective.

Real reviews about Dermavit for papillomas

Reviews of Dermavit for papillomas

There are not many reviews about the drug on the Internet. However, they are mostly positive.

Olga, 39 years old, Zheleznogorsk

I first encountered a plantar wart 5 years ago. The problem is unpleasant, delicate, causing great hostility among people. I brought this disease from a student dormitory, namely from a common shower room. Since the dermatologist immediately recommended a radical method - laser removal, she decided not to look for other options and trust the doctor. I was terribly dissatisfied with the result, as I could not walk for three weeks due to enormous inflammation. The spine was also not completely removed, and subsequently it was necessary to surgically scrape out the remains. But soon a wart appeared again in another place, which caused me not only aesthetic discomfort, but also made it quite difficult to walk. I thought about going straight to the surgeon, but decided to try drug treatment. I was visiting my grandfather, he saw that I was limping and asked what was the matter. She said the problem was a wart. He took out a small bottle and handed it to me. It turned out that he had cured his warts with this remedy three years ago. The expiration date had already expired, so I had to buy a new one. It turned out to be difficult to buy Dermavit in Zheleznogorsk, so I ordered the product in St. Petersburg. After receiving the parcel I immediately began treatment. And after another 7 days I forgot about my wart. It was, on the one hand, joyful that we managed to cope so quickly, but on the other hand, it was a shame that so much time, effort, nerves and money were spent on laser treatment, surgery and recovery after the previous removal.

Katerina, 46 years old, Krasnoyarsk

I got a wart several years ago in a very unpleasant place - on the inside of my finger, on the bend. She constantly clung and interfered with work and housework. In addition, she looked very unattractive and was extremely noticeable. I first tried laser removal. The procedure did not help me; after a while the wart grew back. Then I resorted to cryofreezing. The procedure was very painful, and again there was no result. My friend told me that she bought Dermavit in Perm and with its help she quickly got rid of tumors on her hands. Then I decided to buy Dermavit from us in Krasnoyarsk. It turned out to be not so easy; I had to order it from an online pharmacy. But when the drug arrived, I immediately started treatment. I couldn't believe it when after just a few treatments the wart started to dry out. In less than a week, I got rid of a problem that had been bothering me for more than a year. I want to say that this drug did not cause any unpleasant sensations in me. I know that the medicine Superclean is still quite effective, but it is very aggressive and burns the skin. And this drug is soft, which is what won me over. I recommend to everyone.

Victoria, 29 years old, Moscow

When a wart began to form on my hand, I didn’t even immediately understand what it was. It all started with a small transparent dot, which gradually grew larger. I didn’t wait until it became huge, because in any disease, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will recover. Therefore, I started reading reviews and looking for a product that could remove this growth. I studied all the reviews, weighed all the pros and cons and decided to purchase this product, especially since buying Dermavit in Moscow is not a problem. Although they often write that the product is not so easy to find, I came across it at the first pharmacy. At first I used it strictly according to the instructions, but it seemed to me that the process was going slowly. Therefore, after a week I did not apply protective ointment, but applied more product than was necessary. As a result, I received a small burn, but, fortunately, no scars remained. After this application, I took a break for a week, during which I noticed that the new growth began to dry out and gradually peel off. Now, after 3 months, there is no trace left. Therefore, I recommend this product to everyone, but you should not deviate from the instructions, it was written for a reason.

How to use Dermavit - watch the video:


The undeniable advantages of this product include its relatively low cost, ease of use, mild action and high efficiency. The downside is the fact that it can be problematic to buy Dermavit in a pharmacy; you have to order the product on the Internet.

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