Helminth ovometry

Helminth ovometry can be considered as a method for diagnosing helminthiasis, based on measuring the number of eggs in the patient's feces. This method is widely used to diagnose parasitic infections such as ascariasis, enterobiasis, toxocariasis and others.

Helminth ovometry is based on the principle that helminths, especially eggs, have a certain size and shape that can be measured and used for diagnosis. Usually, during helminth ovometry, helminth eggs, such as roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, etc., are looked for in the feces of patients. In this case, the number of eggs per unit mass of feces is examined.

To carry out helminth ovometry, a special instrument is used - a helminthometer. It allows you to measure the size of helminth eggs and determine their number in feces. The results of helminth ovometry can be used to make a diagnosis and determine the effectiveness of treatment.

However, it must be taken into account that the result of helminth ovometry may be distorted if feces are collected incorrectly, as well as in the presence of other diseases that can affect the number and size of helminth eggs. Therefore, to obtain a reliable result, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient and use additional diagnostic methods.

**Helminth-ovometric method** is a medical procedure aimed at determining the presence of possible parasites, carried out by collecting the patient’s feces for the presence of eggs and fragments of worms. Parasites - helminths, which in most cases cause diseases such as demodicosis, gnawing of soft tissues by helminths, etc. Therefore, this procedure is sometimes called simply a helminth test. The principle of the procedure is based on determining the presence of specific feces and oocysts corresponding to a given disease. Helminths produce eggs as they reproduce, and they vary. During the study, tests are taken either simply from stool or feces. Another option is to count oocytes that are released to hatch from previously laid worm eggs and enter the human intestine. The analysis is done together with taking into account the presence of inflammatory manifestations on the skin, for example, rash, redness, itching. To conduct this study, you must contact a parasitologist.

The study is most effective for determining the presence of parasites in the early phase of their active reproduction, in the period from the moment they lay eggs until they are removed from the intestines of the host. If the presence of helminthiasis is not determined at an early stage, various complications may occur: the development of peritonitis, bleeding and other more dangerous conditions. When taking tests, it is very important to follow the appropriate recommendations so that the examination result is as reliable as possible.