
Hematemisia is a reflex act of irritation of the abdominal brain and increased contractility of the abdominal muscles, compared to the act of vomiting, when the vomiting center remains unaffected and also reacts to irritants. The number of red blood cells in the vomit does not correspond to the picture of “scarlet” vomiting and can reach, with a severe attack, up to 40 thousand (with “red” vomiting there are only two - ten - twenty), but the hemoglobin content remains low - about 0.1% (normally this figure should be approximately 1%).

The most effective method of combating attacks of hememetia is to prevent their occurrence. The main principle of treatment is to maintain the pH of gastric juice or reduce its concentration to an optimal level. For this reason, antacids such as calcium carbonate are used, but they are not always suitable for people with severe disease. For treatment, it is also advisable to use medications that prevent the occurrence of intestinal muscle spasms and also help improve peristalsis. You should also avoid foods and drinks that can cause nausea and vomiting. For this purpose, during the treatment process, a diet is used, according to which it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt, meat, heavy, spicy and fatty foods, and reduce the dose of alcohol taken. In some cases, treatment of hematemisitis requires hospitalization of the patient.