Tox- [Oxy-, Toxic-, Toxico-, Toxo-, Greek. Toxikon (Pharmakon) The poison with which the arrows were smeared, From Toxikos Relating to the Bow and Arrows]

Toxic substances are chemical or biological agents that can cause various harmful effects in a living organism. They are usually found in large quantities and have certain physical properties. Based on these properties, they are usually divided into groups.

Words with a common meaning were formed. Starting from the 2nd half of the 19th and the 1st quarter of the 20th century, some of the words fell apart without retaining the original motivation. The words “Toxic” and “Toxic” come from the Latin word toxicon and the Greek toxikon (“poisonous”, “poisonous substance”, from tokhis - “poison”). The word "toxin" generally refers to

Toxic substances are used to poison living organisms as bacterial or viral poisons. When poisoned by toxins, internal organs and body systems are damaged. Impact on tissues and organs can be fatal. Typically, poisons of natural or artificial origin are used in warfare.