
Hemiblock - blockade of one of the branches of the legs of the ventricular, or atrial, bundle, in which there is an electrical path for excitation of the ventricles of the heart - ventricular extrasystole, WPW syndrome, paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation, atrioventricular block, congenital heart defects, etc. Classification of bundle branch blocks: type I - damage to one of the two bundle legs; II - damage to both legs; III - damage to three legs out of four. (or a more complex classification with the names of the legs). ECG with hemiblock: To determine the degree

The signs are distinguished in the order of manifestation:

Early signs that can be detected when the electrical activity of the atria and ventricles disappears. The heart beats slower. Circulating cardiac output does not decrease and even decreases slightly due to a decrease in stroke volume. Even in some cases without acute intraventricular distress, when examining rapidly propagating impulses received in the plane of the organ at the time of the first signs, small electrical activity can usually be detected between the sinus and the right atrium, but which quickly ceases after a few beats. This fact should not be used to diagnose gambling. Usually in this case they talk about a weak manifestation of arrhythmia, or transient asystole, which is an incomplete intraventricular block. Intraventricular (Gamblitskaya)