
Hemiccephaly is called one of the most complex pathologies of the brain. With it, a person is missing part of the skull. In this case, people may suffer from hearing and vision loss, speech impairment and motor coordination. In some cases, such an anomaly can be detected in utero, through ultrasound. Also, doctors are often able to see the baby’s “look” in the pictures. If such a defect is detected before birth, the baby will be immediately offered to terminate the pregnancy. In any case, parents will learn about this pathology when the baby starts walking - doctors always inform parents about this. And there are two varieties of this anomaly:

Protrusion of the hemisphere - a defect occurs instead of the absence of a part of the skull. The edges of the future defect are smooth edges, which then grow beyond the skull. This type of hemiopathy results in the brain being so tightly stretched that it can rupture during childbirth, and the walls of the skull are too soft to have any effect; The defect in the back of the baby's head is a round formation that is lined with the convolutions of the brain or the hemisphere growing from the ears. This form of anomaly occurs only in one to two percent of cases.